Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year, Guys!

I'm off to talent show practice number one for my Urchins. It should prove to be interesting, if not headache inducing.

The Breeches fall tonight at midnight. Five foot tall yellow pants. From a flag pole. A good time will be had by all I'm sure.

I hope you guys have a safe and happy new years eve!


See you in 2016!!

Monday, December 21, 2015

What? Another Update?

The Man had a stress test done a couple weeks ago. Family doctor looked over the results last week and found some abnormalities in his EKG. So he'll be seeing a cardiologist on Christmas Eve day. Hoping for the best case scenario that can be had.

All good mojo accepted here in all its forms if you feel like sending it.

Have a wonderful holiday. Hug your honeys tight!


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