So I was talking to the awesome Susan Gourley at our monthly writer's meeting last week. (Always great to see her.) And I asked her about A to Z. I've been hopping along for the last two years, visiting the hep cats who sign up, yet I haven't participated. But this year, I'm very much on the fence.
April is a bad month for me since it's crunch time for the two environmental field days I run at a local state park for my daughters' schools. It is an undertaking of immense proportions. I did it to myself, so I can't really complain.
(I write two different grade level appropriate curriculum, aligned to state science and environmental standards on the same theme-this year animal adaptations-generate/buy all the materials, coordinate with the park naturalist, organize over 50 parent volunteers who have very little science background to run the activities, and oversee and sometimes run a station for 150 kids who are bused from school to the park. Twice. Without reusing any activities either day.) I know. I'm an idiot.
So I'm in the middle of writing up station lesson plans in a way that will be easy for parents to run, but still get a good dose of science in every part. Plus I'm still writing with the aim at publication. And I'm thinking about applying for a second part-time job. Because really, working with 27 three year olds just isn't enough for me. (yes, I know. Idiot.)
But I wanna play at the AtoZeeee. (can you hear me whining?) So I asked the wonderful Susan if she thought it'd be okay if my theme were re-runs since I have 6 years of them. She said yes. And since she's a Ninja Minion this year, the way I figure it, her word is gold.
But what do you think? Would a "Back When I Was Funny" rerun theme be copacetic?
Are you participating in A to Z this year?
What craziness is going on in your life?
HELLO NEW WEEK (and new banner)
4 days ago
I want to take part but am struggling to think of a theme. So not sure just now :) I think reruns is a great way for you to take part even with your limited time. :) good luck with your busy schedule, hope you get everything done.
Reruns would make a great theme. So much better than my usual "whatever I happen to think of the morning of" routine I've done for the past three years.
Go for it, Al gets away with re-runs all the time. If it goes wrong, blame him haha
Do it, do it, do it. I might have missed some possum recipes.
I've also been watching from the sidelines for 2 years and decided to join the fray this year. We'll cheer each other on! Yay! And special yay for funny re-runs - great idea! :)
I think reruns is a great idea, Ava. You've got a plethora of oldies but goodies to choose from. Go for it!
I've been debating this very thing, though my time constraints are nearly as strenuous as yours. You are a busy woman! I know a blogger who already has her A-Z post done. Doing them ahead of time would make things easier down the road. So I might just sign up.
Thanks, Joss. I'm really leaning toward participating. Hopefully you will be too! :)
Thanks, M.J. But I fear since you've been such a staunch long term follower, there won't be much new for you to see. I'll have to dig way back to before your time here. lol!
Thanks for the scapegoat, Pat. I always look for one. That and an exit strategy.
LOL, Sue! You're really making hard for me to say no.
That's awesome that you're participating this year, Lexa!
Thanks, DeLynn. >blushes<
It's a tough choice, Natasha. And sheesh, someone has them done already. Wish I were that organized. lol! Thanks for stopping by!
You're in a writing group with Susan?? *whining* I wanna come!!! Sigh. I wish I lived closer.
Anyway, I am so not an expert on this - I'd ask Alex, really - but I bet a bunch of the A to Z people won't have read your blog posts from 5-6 years ago (myself included), and would therefore totally enjoy the reruns. I know I would!
I'm all for the throwbacks. I think the best part of the A to Z is the interaction with different bloggers.
Man, you are crazy woman. *offers a cheese badge* Guess we belong to the same club. ;)
You're welcome to come any time you're in the area, Liz. There are some great people in that group!
Thanks for the cheese badge, Crystal! I'm totally honored!! :D
I participated last year. It was major fun! And major work. But your rerun theme would cut the work in half. Just pre-post the reruns and "all" you have to do then is visit everyone. Should you choose :)
I'm doing A-Z this year. I've done it for two years on my garden blog. This year, I'm doing it on Mama Diaries. It's going to be a challenge, though, to post almost every day. I have so much going on in the "real" world!
I already know what theme I'd use, but I don't think I could find the time. I have enough trouble just posting twice a week.
Thanks, Carol. :) That's what I'm hoping.
Cool, Sherry!
Would that be science related, Ken? I hear you on finding time to post.
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