While all my blogging buddies are working their tuckuses (Tucki? Tuckus-es? hmmm.) off for the awesome April
A to Z Challenge, I'm busy passing off a 2013 re-run. I bow my head in shame. All the same, enjoy this medicinally induced trip down memory lane. And to all my A to Z friends, I'll be stopping in tonight to root you on!!
Curse You, Head Cold I Was Unprepared For!
So I was sitting on the floor of my bathroom two days ago, rummaging
around in the cabinet under the sink, looking for cold medicine. Which
we apparently hadn't restocked from last year. I sat there, in my mucus
haze, cursing the little three year old glazed-doughnut-monsters that
had passed on their crusty germs to me and looking for anything that
might provide relief.
This is how The Man stumbled upon
me as I dazedly contemplated the decade old Benadryl in my hand, trying
to remember what I knew about half-life potency of certain drugs.
Which, whether sick or healthy, is pretty much diddly over squat.
Cautiously, like approaching an injured animal in the wild, The Man asked, "Whatcha got there?"
Clutching the medicine that expired in 2003 to my chest like it's
My Preciousssss, I replied, "Nothing."
"Nothing, huh?"
"Just some medicine I think I might take."
"Lemme see it."
I shook my head, wishing immediately that I hadn't.
gave me that disapproving look, the one he saves for when I've really
gone off the reservation. The one that's part, "Do we really have to
ride this train?" and "Why do I always have to be the responsible
After much coaxing and bribery by alcohol, he
got me to release the medicine and brought me some whiskey with honey
and lemon in it, which I sipped until he came back from the store with
Nyquil and day time cough medicine.
That Man, I tell you. He's a keeper.
I've been sick and wishing I could stay in bed, but nursery school duty
calls and I must obey--since I'm hoping to give the germs right back to
those little critters!
Anywho, until next time,
Citizens, when I'll be talking about music and writing. Stay healthy!
And if you see any little glazed doughnut monsters wiping their noses on
their sleeves. . . head the other way!