Hi everybody. Just remembered I said I would post a shot of the thrift store boots. They're a little big, but I'm definitely enjoying them. Here's the pictures, and yes, all you silently lurking foot fetishists of my blog (you know who you are) that is me wearing them. So here's the happiness I bought for $6.
Thanks, M. I'm definitely having fun with them.
I knew M would love them! They're very cool, but I can't stop thinking about how painful they must be...
They're not as cool as M's green ones, but I still love them!
Yeah, they're uncomfortable after a while, but as my mother used to say when she brushed my hair as a child, "It hurts to be beautiful." (Just ask any starving runway model and she'll agree. lol)
Plus, I hardly go anywhere I can wear them, so they're mainly adorning my closet and making me smile when I see them. ;)
I haven't been able to do "hurts to be beautiful" in a long time. My feet have shifted so much I can't wear the cowboy boots I love for more than two minutes without pain, and the new bras I bought last summer for National had the underwires ripped out within two hours.
Explains a lot, doesn't it? LOL
I'm with you, Natalie. I'm usually a path-of-least-resistance-girl with my appearance all around, but then when I least expect it, my girliness rears up and cannot be ignored. Especially when a good deal is to be had!
And those were definitely a good deal! And worth any discomfort. :)
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