The Ten Most Banned Books in America
The 100 Most Frequently Banned Books from 1990 - 2000
An interesting compilation. Wish I knew how true it is, their source information, and if it's in the USA or World Wide, etc. I've read a lot of them. Two, at least, are on my favorite books list for Blogger (The Wish Giver and Of Mice and Men).
My next frequently banned book to read is The Freedom Writer's Diary. Any banned or challenged books on your to-be-read list?
HELLO NEW WEEK (and new banner)
4 days ago
I'm not surprised at some of those. There are some really conservative religous centers in the country that still don't allow sex education in their local schools even though a recent national study proved that abstinence only education does not work to prevent teen pregnancy. If they won't admit their teenagers are having sex, they're certainly not going to consider they might be having sex with someone of the same gender. LOL And everyone knows that reading about homosexuality will make you gay.
HAA!!! Too funny, Sue.
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