In case you need to translate pirate speech, or otherwise learn
to speak pirate in a jiffy, I've searched out a site to assist you.
Because, you never know when you may need to speak or understand Pirate.
Pirate Translation Blog
You're welcome.
HELLO NEW WEEK (and new banner)
4 days ago
You never cease to give and give. This is a like Pirate Rosetta Stone.
Ha! Now, that was fun. "Yo ho ho, a bottle 'o spiced rum, 'n a grog-filled Easter to ye 'n yours, Ava. Arg!" :)
Thanks for pointing that out publicly, Sue! Finally the recognition I deserve.
Thanks, Delynn! Have a measure of rum on me!
I popped over here from nutshell's blog, and have now spent 10 minutes I don't have typing stuff into the pirate translator and giggling about the "Pirate Speak" it gave back! So funny! :-)
Any friend of Nutschell is always welcome, Lexa! Thanks for stopping by. You obviously fit right in around here because I too spent time I couldn't really afford playing on the translator and giggling! :)
Farewell, me bucko!
cool! I'll have to check this site out:)
It's a fun one, for sure!
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