Well, there's sixteen inches of snow on the ground and it's still falling. Suffice it to say I will not be riding my motorcycle any time soon.
I will also not be going to our monthly writer's meeting. It was canceled last night. And rightly so, but I really could have used the writing boost. I didn't make my monthly goal, but what needed to be done on the wip changed from when I made the goal as the month progressed. I did make progress. (Yay I got the synopsis finished!) So this month I need to up my word count. We'll see if I get it done.
And finally, I must be getting old because this somehow spoke to me.
2 days ago
Hey, I think he did figure it out. Maybe you could put chains on your cycle.
I remember when it used to snow in the Mount Washington valley.
Hmm, chains on my cycle. . .
I bet Mt. Washington valley would get dumped on. We ended up with just under 2 feet.
Usually we do get dumped on but this winter has been unusually lacking in the snow department. I'm not sure we've even had a seasonal total of two feet. Kind of depressing, really.
We're gearing up for 6-12 more inches tonight. Oy vey!
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